Jose Mourinho, Debbie Jevans, Roger Federer, Heather Watson

You could be forgiven for thinking you’ve clicked on the wrong link and ended up on a sports website, but in fact you’re OK, we’re still talking about selling. The people (above) work at the very top level of their game partly because they are constantly seeking improvement. They recognise that there is no such thing as ‘job done’ when it comes to making progress. They know that improvement is a never-ending quest. As a MD, Sales Director or someone charged with the task of converting potential clients in to paying ones, that’s part of your responsibility too isn’t it; to look for ways of improving that which you or your team do? So what have you DONE to enhance the skills of you / your team in the last 3 months? Same stuff you were doing in the previous 12 months? Bet the names at the top of this post wouldn’t say that. So what are you going to DO to enhance your skills or the skills of your team?

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