2-day, open Essential Sales Skills Workshop in March

I’ll be running my next 2-day Essential Sales Skills workshop on Tuesday and Wednesday the 17th and 18th of March 2020 at the Double Tree Hilton Hotel in Lincoln. (I only run 2 per year.)

Who should attend? Anyone with a responsibility to be proactive in generating new business from existing or new customers..

How good is it? Here are the views of a couple of people who have attended (You can find more opinions under the Testimonials tab on my website or on my LinkedIn profile.)

Sam Robinson: “…Austen helped me understand more about how people like to be educated and how to quickly determine the best way to deliver the information I had to share, rather than use a ‘one method fits all’ approach. The result? More recently I agreed one of the largest cases of my career. That ONE case alone has ensured the ROI from the time I spent with Austen of 4,185%…”   (Sam is the founder and MD of Almond Financial.)

Bjorn Bojen: I attended Austen’s sales training seminar (in fact I’ve been to two now) and the amount of “diamonds” I’ve taken away each time has been truly life changing. Delivered with enthusiasm, backed by great knowledge and experience I’d fully recommend Austen’s services to anyone looking to not only improve their sales skills, but to live a better life. Sounds like hyperbole, but I’m serious! (Bjorn is the founder and MD of Orisel)

You can see their full testimonials on my LinkedIn profile page https://www.linkedin.com/in/austenhempstead/

The delegate rate is £495+VAT

I hope you can make it.


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